Saturday, August 7, 2010

we love eachother, more than the stars.

we love to decorate together
spend time going to random places
i've learned to love japan like he does, but maybe not quite as much :)
he makes me laugh more than anyone
he laughs at my shopping justifications, and i somehow end up laughing too
we love linus and keiko
he likes hearing what I have to say about child development
and listens to me go on and on about it :)
he understands my passion, and brings me back to reality when i get too passionate about it
he tells me how i sleep talk at night and say the funniest things
we want to travel, and then have a family
he defends me and helps me find correction when i'm wrong
he helps me let go of my to do list and find moments to laugh and relax
he comforts me when i cry
he shares my dreams and dreams them with me
he doesn't let the hard times in life affect our love
he knows a lot about Jesus, and i love learning from him

he is my bestest of friends
i belong to him
he thinks i'm the most beautiful one in the world
he knows me and loves me even with my flaws
he inspires me everyday
and i tell him everything
he is my f a v o r i t e.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

love that covers unfair pain

Surrender produces a Father who makes our failures something good. His grace is enough to cover our failures. Such a perfect picture of His love... He doesn't want us to feel condemned, He desires for us to know His g o o d n e s s.

That is love. When we know His love for us, we can love even those who hurt us.