Sunday, February 28, 2010


The weekend just needs to be longer.

Or I need to balance everything in my life better.

It is Sunday night and I do not feel rested and I have a whole week of work ahead of me.

Ever since I started it has gotten a lot better balancing everything, but things still aren't where they need to be. It almost seems impossible... like there just isn't enough time to see everyone I want to see every week and not enough time to finish everything I need to finish, or want to for that matter.

On another note, I have been thinking about how I don't mind so much about not having a huge house for our future family... I just want a HUGE back yard, with the most amazing garden with lots of plants, flowers, trees, vegetables and fruit... with many delightful places for our children experience nature... thinking of it makes my heart happy. Nature Deficit Disorder is just too common these days.

Well... off to an amazing week with lots of little people to love!


Saturday, February 27, 2010

how majestic your whisper...

I never r e a l l y thought about it... if I don't forgive, I am not forgiven by God.
This made me recognize a deep wound I had from someone who I thought I had forgiven, but came to the realization that I had not. After praying and crying out to God about all the things this person had done to hurt me, all the words that pierced me so deeply I came to these terms "Love keeps N O records of wrongs"
1 Corinthians 13:5....
I asked God to fill my wound with these words, and even though some days I feel like I have not forgiven this person, I am reminded that forgiveness is not a f e e l i n g... but a c h o i c e.
There is SO much freedom in forgiveness, a burden has been lifted and I am
p e a c e f u l.

This is only a taste of what I experienced that weekend <3>

Friday, February 26, 2010

don't squelch their creativity.

Such a delightful movie :)

"to steal a million" with Audrey Hepburn

I really want to keep up on this blog, but my days seem to be way too full.

So here and there I will spurt out things that have been going on :)

It is so wonderful to come home on a friday from work to a completely CLEAN house!?
yup... that's my husband :D

Magda Gerber IS brilliant, and I want to read all her books and watch all her VHS.

Work hasn't been work, it's been a career. a passion. an excitement. a refreshing glimpse of change I can make happen within these little people's lives. they know so much, we just have to support them, facilitate them, encourage them, give them positive reinforcement and never tell them no. It feels as if I have learned a WHOLE new language... completely changing how i talk to these little people that will help them develop, learn, problem solve on their own and become confident individuals. They have too many voices in this society squelching their creativity, ability to learn and confidence in who they are... I will be that voice that tells them the opposite and delight in them as they grow.

That is only a piece of what I have been feeling ever since I started working... there is so much more. I need to find the time to write it all on paper to process this season. I don't ever want to forget how it feels to be a new teacher... it will help me in the future, and help those around me who walk where I have walked.

I just want to create while the music plays, the reading intrigues, my heart comes alive and my thoughts consume me... create all these moments that have been inside just waiting to explode... as the little ones become free in the play they engage in... oh how deeply they are engaged and how many things they are learning when they go there... I could go on for days about how much they learn... if only adults could go there still... and realize it is the only way to grow, the work sheets printed out coloring sheets only restrict the childrens abilities in SO many ways... I could go on for days.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

just too much to do

sickness has made my to do list way too long.
so much to do for "white as snow" which is next sat....HELP!
i have such a huge reading list, not just teacher stuff but personal stuff too. when will it ever get looked at :( not to mention there is SO much to learn about this teacher stuff. let me just say, everything i ever thought about children and their development has been totally changed now.
it is overwhelming as a new teacher, the "survival" stage describes it perfect :)

I'm off to be productive.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

best sick day

yellow and pink flowers. He knows what I like <3

best friends

In commanding us to glorify Him, God is inviting us to e n j o y Him. CS Lewis